Colombian-German Network for Science and Innovation

BioGeCo is a binational network of researchers to collaborate on science and innovation projects,  contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of Colombia and Germany

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The BioGeCo Network IDENTIFIES researchers working on science and innovation projects between Colombia and Germany, CONNECTS them to develop new proposals together, supports their project MANAGEMENT with a transdisciplinary approach, and DISSEMINATES their results highlighting its impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals of both coun-tries.

BioGeCo is the strategic partner for researchers to advance science and innovation projects between Colombia and Germany while showcasing their societal impact.
BioGeCo is a science and innovation cooperation network that promotes science diplomacy and contributes to the SDGs in Colombia and other regions.
BioGeCo is the benchmark for international cooperation and science diplomacy networks between Colombia and other countries.

“To the younger scientists, I will suggest that they should do science which can create new knowledge and technologies and at the same time help in taking science to society. The expectation has shifted from science for the sake of human knowledge to science to meet societal needs.”


M.S. Swaminath

Research and Innovation for Lifebetween Germany and Colombia